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General usage Terms of PickMyCV.com

By using any of PickMyCv services (“Services”) you agree to be bound by the following Terms of Service (“Terms”). PickMyCv Inc., (further referred as “PickMyCv”, “we”, “us”, “our”) reserves the right to change or amend these Terms at any time without notice. We encourage you to review these Terms regularly, as your continued use of the Services will confirm your acceptance of the revised Terms. If you do not want to be bound to these Terms, please do not sign up for the Services.


– Registration. To fully use our service you must register as a member by providing complete and accurate full name, password and email address. You are not allowed to use someone else’s name or a name that violates any third party rights.

– Emails. Primary means of communication between you and us will be through emails. Thus, you acknowledge that we may use your email to notify you about upcoming system updates, new product releases, company news, changes of your account status etc., through emails. We encourage you to carefully read our emails to stay informed. We will not carry any responsibility if some information did not reach you as a result of failing to read our emails.

– Account security. You must safeguard confidentiality of your job site’s access credentials. You are also responsible for all activities that occur under your account. PickMyCv will not be held responsibility for an unauthorized access to your account. If you become aware of any unauthorized access to your account, you must change your password and notify us as soon as possible.

Account Ownership:

– If you are signing up on behalf of your employer then account owner is your employer. You warrant that you have authority to bind your employer to these Terms.

– You can transfer your account and pass account ownership rights to a third party at any time. In this case you need to inform us and update account information accordingly. Once your account is transferred to another owner you cannot claim ownership rights for this account.

PickMyCv reserves the right, to the extent of its knowledge and ability, to determine the rightful account owner in case of disputes. If we are not able to determine the rightful owner, we can terminate an account until the resolution between conflicting parties is found. If there are some amounts due, the person or persons determined to be the rightful owners will be obliged to pay them.

Fees payment:

– Payments. The system will charge you automatically every billing cycle. All PickMyCv services are prepaid and will not begin until full payment is received. No credits for unperformed services are possible. PickMyCv does not issue either partial or full refunds, including the cases when your services are suspended or terminated before the end of the Services.

– Modification to the pricing and terms. PickMyCv retains the right to modify subscription plans’ pricing and terms at any time without additional notice. All changes will be posted in the corresponding sections of the website.

Billing Disputes:

It is your responsibility to review all monthly charges for accuracy. Within 30 days you can dispute the charge. After 30 days we will consider that all charges are valid and thereby, you waive any claims regarding this charge.

Termination and Cancellation of Service:

You can terminate Service at any time. To make sure your account is not billed for another month of service, you must initiate service cancellation before your billing cycle due date.

System Updates:

We reserve the right to update the system. Updates may include, but not limited to, adding/ removing functionalities, bugs fixes etc. There are no warranties that updated version will not contain bugs or will not affect your use of the Services. We can initiate update at any time without additional notice. PickMyCv will not carry any responsibility for any modifications in code not provided by PickMyCv team. Restoration of modified code is your responsibility and any associated costs are to be met by you.

Use of Customer’s Name and Trademarks:

PickMyCv owns the platform, but we will not claim any rights for your trade names, trademarks, or data uploaded into our stores. With your written consent we may use your trade name, trademark, full name and/or your web-site URL in our live example section for advertising purposes.

Customer may use PickMyCv’s trade name, trademarks, and service marks (collectively, “PickMyCv’s Marks) for advertising purposes. Customer must submit a copy of advertising materials to PickMyCv for its prior written consent.

Other Conditions:

– We reserve the right to terminate the Service at any time
– Any kind of verbal or written insult of PickMyCv member/employee will result in immediate account termination

– At our sole discretion we reserve the right to remove any content if we determine, in our sole discretion, it to be unlawful, offensive, threatening or violating third party copyrights

– All sample data, including but not limited to, sample images, job and resume descriptions, sample emails texts etc, used in the Service are to demonstrate Service in operation. It is your responsibility to change it in accordance with your legal and business needs

– We do not bear any responsibility for the content uploaded by our clients. All claims are to be addressed directly to the clients

Prohibited Activities:

In addition to other restrictions outlined in these Terms, you agree that you will not:

– Use the Services for any illegal purposes, beyond the scope of their intended use, or otherwise prohibited in these Terms
– Publish Content which is unlawful, offensive, threatening, libelous, defamatory, pornographic, obscene or otherwise objectionable or violates any party’s intellectual property or these Terms of Service
– Compromise security of the Service
– Send any unsolicited advertising, spam or any other unauthorized promotional materials

Disclaimer of Warranties:

This Service is “as is” and there is no warranty of any kind either express, implied or statutory, including but not limited to the implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. PickMyCv does not warrant that the functions of the Service will meet your requirements or that operation of the Service will be uninterrupted or error free. You take all responsibility for selecting this Service to achieve your intended goals. PickMyCv does not carry any responsibility for third party servers’ operation. This disclaimer of warranty constitutes an essential part of this agreement.

Limitation of Liability:

Under no circumstances and under no legal theory, tort, breach of contract or warranty or otherwise, shall PickMyCv be liable to the User or any other party for any indirect, special, punitive, incidental, or consequential damages of any character including, without limitation, damages for work stoppage, computer failure or loss of revenues, profits, goodwill, use, data or other intangible or economic losses. In no event will PickMyCv be liable for any damages even if you or any other party shall have informed us of the possibility of such damages. You assume total responsibility for your use of the Service. Your only remedy against PickMyCv for dissatisfaction with the Services is to stop using the Service.


PickMyCv supports protection of intellectual property rights of other individuals. In accordance with the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (“DMCA”) and other applicable laws, in our Service it is not allowed to upload content that infringes any third party’s copyrights. In appropriate circumstances and at our sole discretion, we can terminate accounts which are deemed to be repeat infringers of a third party’s copyrighted works.

If you believe that anything on the Services infringes copyrights that you own or control. Please contact us.

This document constitutes the entire and exclusive agreement between the parties with respect to the subject matter hereof and supersedes all other communications, whether written or oral.