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  Applicant Registration Form  
Applicant Account
Please note that , this profile information will be autometically displayed on section A of your CV Postings as your info every time you post a CV , so you do not have to retype it again .

  Basic Information  
User name
Name of your inbox
User Password

Confirm Password
User Email

Confirm E-mail

Check box if you don't wish to receive mailing from www.pickmycv.com
Applicant Information      
Applicant Class
Applicant nationality

Use the "Control" key to choose two or more options.
First Name
Last Name
Date of Birth
Age Pattern
Marital Status

(For religious related jobs)
What Kind of Race do you Consider yourself
Will you be willing to relocate ?
take a job in another country
CV / Job Industry
primarily job industry
Plz Type [ CV / Job Industry ] if not found in list above
CV / Job Title
Primarily Profession
Plz Type [ CV / Job Title ] if not found in list above
Profile Photo
if you wish to add more photo, import multiple photos using pdf file
Mulitiple photos will be displayed in photos gallery under profile photo & will not be dispalyed with negative phtoto selection
Select photo to be displayed when CV is posted
Native Languages

Use the "Control" key to choose two or more options.
Level of General Computer Knowledge
Applicant Permanent Contacts
Select Country of Landline Number
Country Code will be displayed on below box
His / Her Landline / Ext
Plz Type ( / ) after number for extension
Select Country of Cell Phone Number
Country Code will be auto-displayed on box below
your Cell Phone Number
Select Country of Whatsapp Number
Country Code will be auto-displayed on box below
your Whatsapp Number
Other Social Media ID
Applicant Current Contacts
Select Country of Landline Number
Country Code will be displayed on below box
His / Her Landline / Ext
Plz Type ( / ) after number for extension
Select Country of Cell Phone Number
Country Code will be auto-displayed on box below
your Cell Phone Number
Select Country of Whatsapp Number
Country Code will be auto-displayed on box below
your Whatsapp Number
Other Social Media ID
for Future Interview purposes
Type socail media name before ID
Emergency Contacts
In case of work injury
Select Country of Contact
Contact Person name
His / Her Email
His / her Landline No
His / Her Mobile no
His / Her Whatsapp No
strongly recommended
Other Social Media ID
Permanent Address
State/ Province/ Region/ Parish
Building Nnumber
describe building if number is unavailable
Street Name
( Plz type )
Zip Code
Type landmark If zip code is unavailable
Current Address
State/ Province/ Region/ Parish
Building Nnumber
describe building if number is unavailable
Street Name
( Plz type )
Zip Code
Type landmark If zip code is unavailable
Plz List countries you have worked in before

Use the "Control" key to choose two or more options.
Plz List Countries you have Driving License for

Use the "Control" key to choose two or more options.
Plz List Countries you have Visas for

Use the "Control" key to choose two or more options.
Visa Type
(if any)
Hobbies & Interests

Use the "Control" key to choose two or more options.
Plz Type your Hobbies & Interests if not found in list above
Plz leave comma(,) in between each hobby & Interest When typing
Copy of National ID
We strongly recommend to attach your ID Copy if available
Copy of Passport
We strongly recommend to attach your Passport Copy if available
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